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Accessing GCP - Console, SDK, and APIs
Google Cloud SDK and gcloud
Cloud Shell
GCP Resource Hierarchy - Intro
FREE PREVIEWProject Name, ID, and Number
Governance and Compliance with Org Policies
Org Level Roles
Quiz: GCP Fundamentals
Cloud Billing - Intro
Cloud Billing - Exports
Cloud Billing - Resource Labels
Cloud Billing - Billing Account Access
Quiz: Cloud Billing
Cloud IAM - Intro
Cloud IAM - Understanding Service Accounts
Cloud IAM - Service Account Key Management
Cloud IAM - Permissions and Roles
Cloud IAM - Role Type Details
Cloud IAM - Principle of Least Privilege
FREE PREVIEWCloud IAM - Least Privilege via Environment Separation
Cloud IAM - Groups
Cloud IAM - Federated Authentication
Cloud IAM - gcloud commands
Quiz: Cloud IAM
Cloud Logging - Intro
Cloud Logging - Exports and Sinks
Quiz: Cloud Logging
Cloud Monitoring - Intro
Cloud Monitoring - Uptime Checks
FREE PREVIEWCloud Monitoring - Mapping Business Objectives to Technical Metrics
Quiz: Cloud Monitoring
Cloud Trace
Quiz: Cloud Trace
Compute Services - The Spectrum of Abstraction
FREE PREVIEWCompute Engine - Intro
Compute Engine - VM Location
Compute Engine - Machine Type
Compute Engine - Network Settings
Compute Engine - Preemptibility
Compute Engine - Ops Agent
Compute Engine - Delete Protection
Compute Engine - On-Host Maintenance
Compute Engine - Boot Disk
Compute Engine - Additional Storage
Compute Engine - Service Account Assignment
Compute Engine - Multi-NIC Configuration
Compute Engine - Backup Methods
FREE PREVIEWCompute Engine - Connecting to VMs
Quiz: Compute Engine #1
Compute Engine - Managed Instance Groups (MIGs)
Compute Engine - MIG Autohealing and Automatic Restart
Compte Engine - MIG Location
Compute Engine - Update Policies with MIGs
FREE PREVIEWCompute Engine - Load Balancing with MIGs
Quiz: Compute Engine #2
Compute Engine - Active-Standby Model
Compute Engine - Patch
Compute Engine - Migrating VMs
Compute Engine - Disaster Recovery Strategies
Compute Engine - Troubleshooting Strategies
Compute Engine - Cloud Recommender
Compute Engine - Shutdown Scripts
Compute Engine - Sole-Tenant Nodes
Compute Engine - Predefined Roles
Quiz: Compute Engine #3
Up-to-date course for the new Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Certification exam.
Coming soon.
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